
Welcome to Tipsy Brisket's BBQ product reviews! Dive into our world of must-haves, from finger-licking rubs and sauces to indispensable grilling tools and trusty smokers. We're all about honest, unbiased, and transparent reviews. With affiliate links supporting our team, we vouch for the best of the best. Explore our insights, and don't hesitate to share your thoughts – connecting with fellow BBQ lovers is our passion!


All Reviews

If you want to just read all our reviews check out this section, no organization just everything we've reviewed!

Game Changers

Products we use both at home and during competitions that we feel are absolute game changers, we won't cook without them!

Flavor Reviews

Competing in BBQ Competitions we are always on the hunt for new flavor combinations.  These are some reviews, good and bad, of the rubs, sauces, injections and other flavor enhancers!

Equipment, Tools and Grills

Probes, Controllers, Grills, smokers, tongs, spatulas, cleaning equipment, if it's cooking related and some sort of tool or equipment, the reviews are here!

Tipsy Reviews

We wouldn't be Tipsy Brisket without enjoying some Tipsy Beverages!  This is a review of all Tipsy related items, from the alcohol itself to accessories that make your experience a bit Tipsier!